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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Well I'll be Damned...

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Eskimo said...

WELL let me the the very first to congratulate!!!!!!!!!! lol.

I am STILL shaking.

Anonymous said...

i think you're PREGNANT! :)

Pixie said...

Hey I didn't even know this was your site...I love your picture! And a positive test, eh? Awesome stuff! I really admire what you're doing!! Hope you're doing great!

The Writer said...

Hahahaha!!! I knew you'd do it on the first shot! You are a baby making machine!! There was never a single doubt in my mind that you would only have to do it once.

Notice this is all about me.....

Congrats to you and P-Daddy! Praying for a healthy, happy nine months for you and for an awesome experience all around!

Blessings you two!

The Writer said...

Oh, and by the way, if you're going to be damned it won't be for this.

It will be for your blatant and excessive use of the color orange in your daily life.

What's wrong with you?!?!


Kate said...

FANTATSIC NEWS!! I am so excited for you guys :-)

Bump fairy.. you're awesome!

Amber said...

Awesome!! What an exciting adventure for you! Congrats!

Life Is Good said...

Funky psychadelic color thing going on here...it's so fun and so very you!