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Saturday, October 20, 2007

One Down.

OK, I will fully admit to being scared shitless of tonight. Why? At one point in my life I had to prick my fingers regularly to test my blood glucose level. A teeny, tiny prick of my finger.

And I couldn't do it.

I just could NOT force myself to poke a hole in my body. Pierce my skin. On purpose. Couldn't do it. I had my husband prick my finger for me, then invested in a more expensive testing model that would allow me to test on my arm.

So imagine my jitters when I've got to come up with the gumption to inject OIL directly into my BUTT CHEEK with a TWO inch needle. All. By. Myself. Husband works evenings till midnight-thirty. That's too late to do this injection. And there isn't anyone else willing to come over and help. So I've got to go it alone. Which is fine, but I'm a huge weenie so it was a big deal. I prepped my arse then procrastinated for a good 15 minutes... getting the camera pre-focused ( because of COURSE I'm going to document this!), taking worthless pictures of various things balanced on my bum... holding the syringe in my hand to warm the oil... deep breathing in and out... ok, hyperventilating a wee bit.... carefully poking around to find the least sensitive smidgen of skin to defile... debating with myself if I should put it on my skin then PUSH it in abruptly, or "dart" it in as suggested... getting a wee bit teary... ( hey, I said I was a weenie...)

Then I placed the point on my hip/butt, closed my eyes, jabbed it in...... and kind of laid there stunned for a second as I absorbed that it wasn't NEARLY as bad as I thought it was going to be! Tiny sting to start, and that's it! So I took my pictures, slowly injected the Delestrogen, capped and disposed of the syringe, and rubbed my bum with an alcohol prep pad for the rest of Pretty Woman on TBS. It's just a bit achey now.

So. Not so bad! I know I will still be nervous the next time around, but at least now I know what to expect.

One down............


Lynlee said...

SO, now isn't the time to tell you that it gets WAY worse, right?

::ducks and runs::

Bump Fairy said...


:: searches for nearest projectile::

Bump Fairy said...

And. My whole right butt/thigh is achey today. Did I not rub it enough? Any ideas?

alyca said...

Do you HAVE to advertise that this family has butt-thighs???

Bump Fairy said...

Well.. it is a rather LARGE area... I mean, they've seen pictures!! They arleady KNOW about the butt-thigh!!

Lynlee said...

I think a lot of it depends on the *exact* area where you inject. And hell if you'll be able to avoid each and every nerve every single time. Won't happen. It could also be that you rubbed too much. I don't even bother rubbing after the E2V for more than 30 seconds or so. The PIO I rub for a minute or two (depending on the level of ouchiness).

Life Is Good said...


You have my utmost respect!

Bump Fairy said...


No, Jen. If I could have talked anyone else into doing it I would have. I'm a total chicken and I know it.

It's a texture issue... I don't mind shots/injections... but the... texture? you feel when you poke the needle in?

Heebie jeebie.

The Writer said...

Girl, I owe you big, and I know it. Let me start with some advice. Instead of rubbing with alcohol, try witch hazel. Not only will it help prevent infection it is one of the main ingredients in liniment and so helps with bruising and soreness.

I hope we can get together for coffee soon!

Bump Fairy said...

Franay: The alcohol helps with the dispersion of the meds.. I don't doubt that witch hazel would do all you say it would, but the directions.. they must be followed to a "t", regardless of what my arse thinks of it.

Lynlee said...

You don't have to rub with the alcohol pad. I just use a clean hand.

Bump Fairy said...

Oh, the actual RUBBING of the BUM happens with my hand.. I just wipe over the injection site after the shot BEFORE my arse massage!

Bump Fairy said...


When someone else does it you almost don't feel it at all! WOO HOO! Planning strategy of attack for the PIO's so that M does them all!

The Writer said...

You are by far a tougher girl than me! I'd be soo pissed off about having to do that I'd scrap the whole stupid thing! I guess we know who has more fortitude.

You! I'm calling you Tank Girl from now on!!

Life Is Good said...

I agree...once I figured out I had to do all those shots..I would have thrown in the towel too!

You surrogates have my utmost respect!